We have a wide range of yarns available for bespoke manufacturing, such as:
F92 50% Merino Wool 50% Acrylic
Our most commonly used yarn, with a very wide range of shades available.
Used in: Corporatewear, Schoolwear, Retail, Regimental Sweaters

TPA 100% Acrylic
Designed to be hard-wearing yet with a good handle.
Used in: Corporatewear, Schoolwear, Retail, Cricket Sweaters
Amico Soft Extrafine Merino Wool and Amico Teck Extrafine Merino Wool
Soft-handle, shrink-resistant high quality pure new Merino Wool. Amico Soft is hand-wash. Amico Teck is Total Easy Care machine-wash.
Used in: Retail, Cricket Sweaters

50% Cotton 50% Acrylic
Commonly used for lighter-weight 10 and 12 gauge fabrics. A fine soft handle yet with good pill-resistance.
Used in: Corporatewear, Schoolwear, Retail, Vintage-styles
Let us know how we can help.
Contact Rannerdale Ltd
Mike Carden
Email: info @ rannerdale.co.uk
Office tel 01308 456 775
Mike Carden, Rannerdale Ltd, 6 Stuart Way, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 4AU